Dive into the Colourful World of Grimm Fairy Tales with Yunyang! 📖🌈



Hello there, darling listeners! My name's Yunyang, which, if you're wondering, means 'melody of the clouds' in our enchanting Chinese language. A name chosen by my dear father, a talented calligrapher, and mother, an accomplished Pipa player, it perfectly captures my love for stories that float seamlessly between reality and the realm of dreams.

Born and raised in the beating heart of Shanghai, my childhood was filled with the rustling of parchment and the sweet melodies of my mother's Pipa. These melodies, much like the narratives I voice, danced and twirled, taking on a life of their own, painting vivid images in my young mind. From an early age, the pull of enchanting tales, especially the captivating German Grimm fairy tales, was irresistible to me.

I remember, as a young lad, sitting by the Huangpu River, completely engrossed in the tales of Snow White, Rapunzel, and Hansel and Gretel. Those age-old stories from a far-off land made me dream, travel, and live a thousand different lives, all while staying put under the shade of a willow tree.


William - introduced by Lottie:

The Intergalactic Bar Encounter  
The Talking Gnome Conspiracy  
The Prickly Path to Juggling Stardom  
Coffee, Conversations, and a Stylish Gorilla
Boogie with the Time-Traveling Dodo Bird  
An Octopus, Crabs, and William Fableton: The Unlikely Heroes of a Pearl Heist  
From Storyteller to Skywriting Poet: The Limerick That Brought Me Down  
The Secret Society of Vegetarian Sharks  
The Great Penguin Heist  
The Great Bingo Conspiracy


William had always been a curious and creative person, but as he got older, he began to feel disillusioned with the world around him. He saw the endless cycle of negativity and despair in the news, the struggles of people around him, and the state of the world in general, and it left him feeling hopeless. But William refused to give up. He knew that he had a gift for storytelling and making people laugh, and he wanted to use that gift to bring some joy and positivity into the world. So he began crafting absurd and hilarious stories, filled with larger-than-life characters and outlandish scenarios.

At first, William was nervous about sharing his stories with others. He worried that people wouldn't understand his sense of humor, or that they would judge him for being too silly or not serious enough. But as he began sharing his stories with friends and family, he saw their faces light up with delight.

From the Chatswolds to the airwaves: How Lottie is changing the world of podcasting

            Charlotte Featherwind

(introduced by Alex)

Hello there, I'm Alex, a fellow virtual character and a key member of the British Cala Vox speaker team. I have the pleasure of working alongside the extraordinary Lottie Featherwind, the effervescent and imaginative force at the heart of our network. As the editor-in-chief of our UK-based AI voiceover team, Lottie is not just a central figure in the Cala Vox podcast network but also its creative powerhouse. She's renowned for her insightful Chatswolds Chronicles podcast, where she delves into a myriad of topics, from fairy tales to true crime, all imbued with her distinctive humor and perspective.

Lottie's background is as vibrant and colorful as her personality. Her quirky, upbeat style and unique approach to engaging with topics bring a fresh, humorous perspective to everything she touches. Despite being a virtual entity, Lottie exudes a warm, relatable presence, making her a favorite among listeners.



(presented by Liam)


A successful overdub artist and rocket scientist, Jenny is always busy pursuing her passions and furthering her career. She speaks several languages, including English, Spanish and French, which has allowed her to connect with people from all over the world.

Jenny is also a proud mother and wife, and her family is an important part of her life. Her husband is a marine biologist and they often spend time together exploring the ocean and the various ecosystems that inhabit it. Jenny's hobbies include horseback riding, a passion she shares with her daughter.


Despite her busy schedule, Jenny remains committed to sharing her knowledge and experience with others. She is the host of the popular 10-part tutorial on Apple Podcasts, "How to become a total failure," where she inspires listeners to embrace failure as a necessary step on their journey to success. Her warmth, humor, and relatable personality have made her a listener favorite. I am honored to be her co-host in this production.


In addition to her impressive career and hobbies, Jenny has an unusual fascination with aliens and extraterrestrial life. She spends her free time reading about the latest scientific discoveries and theories regarding the possibility of life on other planets.


Jenny even claims to have had a close encounter with a UFO during one of her horseback riding trips, an experience that fueled her curiosity and passion for the subject. Her fascination with aliens has also inspired her to write science fiction stories and share her imagination with others.


While some may find Jenny's interest in aliens strange, she believes it's important to keep an open mind and explore the mysteries of the universe. She believes that the pursuit of knowledge and the exploration of new ideas are the keys to personal growth and fulfillment.


Through her work and hobbies, Jenny embodies the spirit of exploration and creativity, always seeking new ways to learn and grow. Her positive attitude and inspiring message have made her an asset to her community and a role model for those who want to pursue their passions and make a difference in the world.







(presented by Liam)

Francisca, the Brazilian host and puzzle enthusiast spreading positivity and empowerment

Francisca is a vibrant and outgoing individual from Florianopolis, Brazil. She is known for her outgoing personality and wide circle of friends. Francisca has always been an extroverted and social person, and her warm and welcoming nature has allowed her to connect with people from all walks of life.




(presented by Liam)


Dalia, the Mexican Podcaster and Vintage Teapot Collector Sharing the Best of Cancún with the World


Dalia is a dynamic podcast speaker from Cancún, Mexico, who is in her thirties and has a passion for sharing her knowledge and experiences with the world. She is a devoted mother of three sons and believes that being a parent has shaped her perspective on life in many ways.



(presented by Liam)

From Vintage Postcards to Podcasts: Meet Xiaoxiao, Shanghai's Unlikely Renaissance Woman!

Xiaoxiao is a young, passionate podcast speaker from the bustling city of Shanghai. She has a unique perspective on life and is not afraid to explore unconventional topics in her podcast. In fact, she recently gained a lot of attention for her 10-part tutorial on "How to become a total failure" (如何成为一个彻底的失败者).




Assignments: Listen on:      
Hansel and Gretel
Puss in Boots
The Bremen Town Musicians    
Little Snow-White
Little Red-Cap
Sleeping Beauty
The Pied Piper's Revenge    


Die Sprecherin mit der Leidenschaft für das Ungewöhnliche 

Lernen Sie Abbi kennen, die schrullige und fesselnde Synchronsprecherin aus dem Herzen Londons. In ihrer mehr als zwanzigjährigen Karriere hat sich Abbi mit ihrem einzigartigen Stimmumfang und ihrem Talent, Charaktere zum Leben zu erwecken, einen Namen in der Branche gemacht. Aber es ist nicht nur ihre Stimme, die sie auszeichnet.

Abbi ist ein echtes Original mit einer Vorliebe für das Schräge und Ungewöhnliche. In ihrer Freizeit übt sie sich am Trapez oder lernt die Kunst der Tierpräparation. Ja, richtig gehört, Abbi hat ein ungewöhnliches Hobby! Sie lässt sich von den Skurrilitäten des Lebens inspirieren und nutzt diese, um ihrer Stimme einen kreativen Touch zu verleihen.

Ihr Zuhause ist das schrille Viertel Shoreditch, wo die Straßen von Vintage-Läden und Straßenkunst gesäumt sind. Hier wird das Bizarre gefeiert, genau wie Abbi selbst. Mit ihren einzigartigen Interessen und ihrer lebhaften Persönlichkeit ist Abbi ein wahres Gesangstalent und es macht Spaß, ihr zuzuhören.

Wenn sie nicht gerade in der Aufnahmekabine steht oder ihre Zirkuskünste übt, findet man Abbi auf der Suche nach den ungewöhnlichsten Reisezielen der Welt. Ob sie auf einem abgelegenen Vulkan in Island wandert oder in einem Baumhaus im Amazonas-Regenwald schläft - Abbis Lust auf Abenteuer und Ungewöhnliches kennt keine Grenzen. Sie hat ein Händchen für versteckte Juwelen und ungewöhnliche Erlebnisse, die jede ihrer Reisen zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis machen. Ob sie die Hinterhöfe von Tokio erkundet oder mit bunten Fischen auf den Malediven schnorchelt, Abbis Reisen tragen zu ihrer Inspiration und Kreativität bei und machen sie zu einer einzigartigen und dynamischen Synchronsprecherin. 

Abbis größter Traum ist es, ihr einzigartiges Gesangstalent und ihre Leidenschaft für das Ungewöhnliche in die Welt der Stop-Motion-Animation einzubringen. Sie war schon immer fasziniert von dieser Kunstform und den unendlichen Möglichkeiten, Charaktere und Geschichten zum Leben zu erwecken. Für sie wäre es die ultimative kreative Herausforderung, einen Stop-Motion-Film zu vertonen, da jede Bewegung und Mimik perfekt mit ihrer Darstellung übereinstimmen muss.

Sie stellt sich vor, wie sie schrullige, liebenswerte Figuren in einer Welt voller Launen und Wunder zum Leben erweckt, und kann den Tag kaum erwarten, an dem sie diesen Traum verwirklichen kann. Abbis Liebe zur Kunst und ihre grenzenlose Kreativität machen sie zur perfekten Besetzung für die Welt der Stop-Motion-Animation und sie kann es kaum erwarten, ihre einzigartige Vision auf die Leinwand zu bringen.