Once upon a time, in a virtual kingdom, there lived a team of skilled narrators known as Cala Vox. They had a mission to bring classic tales to life for a new generation of listeners.
After releasing a podcast tutorial on How to Become a Total Failure, the Babel's Park audioplay (a media saga straight from the depths of wordplay madness), and several videos on TikTok and YouTube, Cala Vox is proud to present the most popular Grimm's fairy tales, newly edited and narrated by experienced narrators of the team.
Wilhelm Grimm and Jacob Grimm, 1847
For those who may not know, the Grimm's Fairy Tales are a collection of folk tales that were first published by the Brothers Grimm in the early 19th century. These tales, such as "Cinderella," "Rapunzel," and "Hansel and Gretel," have been passed down from generation to generation and have become timeless classics.
With the help of Cala Vox, these tales are now being given a fresh twist. The experienced narrators of the virtual team bring their own unique styles and personalities to the tales, making them come alive in a new and exciting way. The tales are available in English, with translations in other languages to follow.
Listeners can enjoy these classics on Spotify and (soon) Apple Podcasts' Cala fabula channel. These fairy tales are sure to captivate the imagination of both young and old listeners, and are the perfect way to escape reality for a while.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Cala Vox. We are always looking for new ways to bring classic tales to life and make them accessible to a modern audience. Whether you are a fan of fairy tales or just looking for something new to listen to, the Cala fabula channel is the perfect place to start.
So, settle down with a cup of tea, get comfortable, and let the experienced narrators of Cala Vox transport you to a magical world of fairy tales and adventure. The tales may be old, but with Cala Vox's fresh twist, they are sure to feel brand new.